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Three factors for relevancy in digital communications

Technology can make a huge difference to your customer engagement but “going digital” isn’t an objective in itself. Digital is just a tool. What matters is whether it helps us to do what we’ve always wanted: become more customer-centric and relevant to each person’s needs.

Technology needs a methodology

Digital gives us – for the first time ever – the possibility to stop segmenting and to start focusing on people at an individual level. True relevance. That’s the benefit. But to get there, we need the right strategy. And that requires accounting for three very important things: knowledge, motivation and context.
Factor 1: knowledge

To be effective, each customer interaction needs to match the customer’s knowledge level on a particular topic. This can vary significantly. Some healthcare professionals will be well informed while others less so. It’s vital that we account for this.

If we talk above their level, we’ll lose their attention because they can’t relate to the information. On the other hand, if we talk to a knowledge level below their understanding, they will feel bored or patronized. Either way, they are not listening.

Action: ensure that your digital materials are flexible and can match each customer's knowledge level

Factor 2: motivation

Motivation is someone’s desire to engage. As with knowledge level, this will be different for each person. You can buy a bicycle, for example, for any number of motivations – because you want to get in shape, because you want to be environmentally aware, or just because it’s a cheap form of transportation. Talk to the wrong motivation and it’ll get you nowhere.

Action: design your content so that it can speak to different kinds of motivation – rational, emotional and appeals to authority.

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Understanding CLM

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Factor 3: context

This is about the personal situation of each customer and their individual requirements for how they receive information. And it’s a vital step in the process. After all, what’s the point of talking at exactly the right knowledge level, and being spot on with our motivational understanding, if the information isn’t available when and where it is needed?

The good news is that we live in an age when digital communications can flow to wherever our customers want it and in whatever form they prefer – whether at home, in the office, mobile, visual, written or audio.

Action: ensure that your content can be accessed whenever it is needed by making the most of today's multichannel opportunities.


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More 'Get Started' guides

Understanding CLM

understanding CLM

Digital pharma marketing - Push and pull marketing

E-detailing data management

What to avoid

Going virtual - Adding remote CLM

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