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Agnitio at EMS heart hack to save lives hackathon

Agnitio developers hacking to save lives with innovative technology

Over the weekend of 14-16 September, Agnitio developers participated in the EMS Heart Hackathon. This 48-hour event aimed to help to save lives by raising awareness of the presence of AEDs (automated external defibrillators). Developers, designers, marketers, city planners and medical experts met at Tivoli hotel in Copenhagen to develop innovative medical technology solutions.

Agnitio developers - EMS Hack to Save Lives

Our team developed a solution that uses drones to speed delivery of AEDs

When saving lives, every second matters. In Copenhagen, there is an AED device located in a range of 100 meters. A single individual witnessing a cardiac arrest can not simultaneously perform CPR and fetch an AED device. Each minute spent attempting to locate and retrieve an AED device reduces survivability chances.

Our team of developers: Julian Capilla (DevOps Engineer), Haythem Ben Aicha (Senior iOS Developer), Samuel Ciaramilaro (Development Lead) and Goran Vuksic (Solution Architect),  built a solution called “AED Delivery Drone”.

The solution dispatches and delivers AEDs to the incident location faster by using a drone. This allows bystanders to remain with victims and perform life saving actions while the AED is en route.

Artificial intelligence powered route calculation and navigation allows the fastest possible delivery of AED to the incident location.

Solution benefits

The use of this solution not only allows a bystander to help a person in need but also automatically notifies emergency services. It would reduce the response time to incidents and increase survival rates.

Feel free to check out the demo from Agnitio developers' solution in this following video:

Our team had great fun, and managed to build and showcase this solution in only 48 hours. We are looking forward to developing more innovative solutions in the future hackathons.

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