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Planning an e-detailing roll-out

Moving from paper to digital detailing

Planning an edetailing roll-out

If you’re new to closed loop marketing, it helps to keep things simple. A common approach is to focus first on switching from paper detail aids to digital e-detailing and then add additional channels over time.

Getting ready

Before you start, it is a good idea to have data that measures sales force effectiveness with paper detailing materials. This gives you a baseline. Try to understand how long reps currently spend with healthcare professionals and the what results from this.

Then go for a gradual e-detailing roll-out that continually builds your organisation's knowledge and familiarity with the technology and its opportunities.

Make sure that your e-detailing/CLM technology connects properly to your existing systems – including your CRM – so you’ll get seamless exchange of contacts’ data.

Roll-out plan

3-month pilot project

For your pilot project, keep things small. Stick to a limited period, one country, and one brand. A three-month pilot is normal. You want to make the sales force comfortable with the system and learn from their experiences.

1 Create a clear governance structure and dedicate the right people to manage the rollout. Change management takes time and effort. If your sales people are new to mobile devices, take the time to get them comfortable with the technology.

2 Use simple measurements for evaluation: the number of calls carried out on a digital device; number of users; system stability (e.g. number of support tickets); and a user satisfaction survey.

3 Do gather customer data if you can but don’t make customer behavioral change part of the pilot. It’s too much to handle – leave it for the full rollout.
6-month first phase roll-out

With lessons learned from the pilot project, you can now roll out to more countries.

1 Apply the lessons of the pilot and begin the first rollout phase (optimally around five countries).

2Seek a rep usage of around 50%, so continue with the simple evaluations put in place for the pilot to track their progress.

3 Adjust the process according to these insights e.g. specific internal communication programs for sales force buy-in.

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More 'Get Started' guides

Selecting your CLM vendors

Selecting your closed loop marketing vendors

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6 common mistakes in CLM

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1-year full deployment

After the initial roll-out phase, you can start to implement throughout the organization.

1 Aim for at least 50% of your reps using the system.

2 Focus on capturing customer data. First make sure that you can measure the overall impact of the system introduction, e.g. increase in rep time with healthcare providers, and increase in ‘intention to prescribe’.

3 Generate the ‘rich data’ that will inform your marketing campaigns and empower sales reps to respond to customer needs. This may include HCP current behaviours, knowledge levels and attitudes towards a disease its treatment.

4 Ensure that internal systems are in place to connect both Marketing and customer-facing teams to these data streams, enabling materials and messaging to be updated.

Keep everyone informed

Rolling out an e-detailing and CLM project must be carried out as a structured process. Communication with all internal stakeholders is critical.
Always keep management and operational levels informed about expectations, status and progress of the implementation. And work closely with your technology providers to take advantage of their expertise as early in the process as possible.

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More 'Get Started' guides

Selecting your CLM vendors

Selecting your closed loop marketing vendors

Understanding CLM

understanding CLM

6 common mistakes in CLM

Digital pharma marketing - Push and pull marketing

Digital communications  - Three factors for relevancy

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