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Why go digital in sales communication?

multichannel marketing

There are many reasons to switch to today’s advanced digital sales communications. What creates the biggest impact for you depends on your business and specific needs – but here are seven big benefits that may apply.

1 Better communication with doctors

You get to involve healthcare professionals more in your story. By making the material interactive it becomes an active rather than passive experience. That significantly improves message retention, making the communication more effective and meeting customer expectations of more engaging communication.


2 Understanding your marketing ROI

The ability to track interactions tells you how customers are reacting to your messages. Even the simplest analytics will uncover useful things like the most-viewed parts of a presentation. With more sophisticated data gathering, you can see whether you have raised customer ‘willingness to prescribe’ and discover specific topics that customer-facing staff need to address.


3 Fixing problems early

If your digital sales materials are well designed, you should be able to quickly assess their effectiveness in the field. That way you don’t have to wait half a year to find out whether the campaign worked or not. You'l know immediately and can start responding right away – updating the messaging and going back with new information – saving months of missed opportunity.


4 Staying on-message

Digital sales communication keeps your customer-facing teams focused and on-message. With CLM, you can pre-populate content for the sales rep to use, based upon your segmentation strategies. Yet, if the doctor wants to take the conversation in a different direction, that content can be quickly accessed – making your sales force appear highly service minded.


5 Providing value to affiliates

Printing, warehousing and distributing printed materials around the world is expensive and slow. And sometimes the materials are not even used because they don’t address the needs of affiliates. Switching to digital technology removes major logistical costs and helps you understand use around the world – making it easier to adapt materials to better suit local needs.

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Webinar: Get results from digital sales enablement

Experience how to get started on, or advance, your digital sales enablement journey in a fast, easy and risk-free way.

6 Avoiding out-of-date materials

Paper materials are notoriously difficult to track. That means that you can never be sure whether sales reps are using the latest version of the materials or even one that have medical-legal problems. E-detailing and closed loop marketing enables you to keep track and – if you are using the right systems – even freeze out-of-date materials.


7 Opening new opportunities

Digitizing your communications allows you to work in new ways. From ‘basic’ edetailing and closed loop marketing you can start to explore other opportunities. This could be providing information in multiple channels or even engaging new audiences, such as patients and their families. Going digital is the first step into a new world.

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